Lidia De La Cruz
New York, Nyc
LinkedIn: Lidia De La Cruz
Instagram: poderosacoding
Twitter: poderosacoding
Facebook: poderosacoding
Tell us about yourself.
I am a first-generation millennial, born and raised in the Bronx within NYC. I identify as a woman of color, Latinx, and go by the pronouns she/her. I love talking about finance, investing and becoming debt free. You can find me outside either on my bike or walking my dog.
Why did you decide to pursue a career in tech or learn coding?
I have always enjoyed facing challenges and learning something new. I remember learning macros in Excel and was very excited to create data just to see the visuals of something I had learned. I wanted a career change and wanted something in tech and did not know what until I started doing my research which led me to coding.
What part of the technology industry are you thinking of going into? Why?
I am pursuing a career as a Software Engineer to develop and create apps that can significantly impact the way people interact or find information on the web. I have tons of ideas of things that I want to create myself as well.
Are there any resources that have helped you in your journey so far that you would like to recommend?
Yes, so many! I started a blog (check it out) and made a recent post on all the free resources I came across and have taken myself for my coding journey. But, what I think is the most important resource is being part of a community connect and engage with like-minded individuals who will hold you accountable but, celebrate every small accomplishment.
What was the best educational / professional advice you ever received?
"You will never stop learning. Every day is a day to learn."
What advice do you have for younger ladies aiming to pursue a career in technology?
We need you! More representation of women in tech. Also, It is going to get hard, but it is possible.
Do not beat yourself up over failure, instead celebrate that you have decided to make a change.
I would like to send a massive thanks to Lidia for taking the time out to answer the questions above. As a newbie in the tech world there is still a lot to experience and learn, and this only emphasises the best educational advice you have received so far. Every day is indeed a day to learn something new. There is a similar quote that says, "The day you stop learning is the day you die". I hope that by the time you become fully immersed in the professional tech world, there would be more representation than there is today. I am very excited to see you grow.
You can follow Lidia on Instagram and all other socials at the top of the page.
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